Want to share Chefs Life & earn commissions with your own shoppable page on our website?

Promote Chefs Life with your audience on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, blog, etc. & earn commissions on any sale driven through your personal shoppable Chefs Life page.

How It Works

1. Apply on this page with your social account, product picks, and other personal details

2. Receive your page once approved and complete

3. Follow tips/tricks & guidance from Chefs Life on page promotion

4. Receive notifications whenever someone makes a sale through your link

5. Receive commissions on the first business day of the following month for any approved sales

Frequently Asked Questions

What does my page look like?
Your page will be a curation of your sign-up details, social media info, and content you tag @chefslife.co in on social media

Can I completely customize my page?
At this time, you cannot

When will I receive my page?
1-2 weeks after sign-up, if approved

How do I know If I’ve made a sale?
You will receive an email notification

Can I choose the content on my page?
Approved content from Instagram will show up on your page. At this time, you cannot choose your content

Who should I contact with questions?

Terms & Conditions

Links to pages must not be posted on coupon/discount sites, @chefslife.co social media posts, paid ads, or online forums

Chefs Life reserves the right to change the details of the shoppable page program at any time

Chefs Life reserves the right to make judgements on eligible sales at any time

Chefs Life reserves the right to terminate the partnership at any time

Participation in the shoppable page program does not bind you to Chefs Life in any way

Chefs Life will not withhold taxes from your commissions and is not responsible for any taxes that may be owed as a result of your participation in the program